Pedagogical Activity

Lectures and Writings

In her Master’s Thesis (2003), K.R. Florey dealt quite extensively with the „Orientation on the Fingerboard of the Violin“, and wrote additional excercises exemplifying this topic.

Given the necessity to find a sustainable and conclusive motivation for playing the violin in the era of digital media, she feels inspired to philosphical thought.

Master’s thesis, 2003
ESTA Lecture, Feldkirch, 2018

Public Lectures

  • Lecture, powerpoint-presentation und first performance: „On the Orientation of the Violinist’s Left Hand Technique beyond the Diatonic System of Positions; illustrated by the newly discovered manuscript of a twelve-tone-game for violin and piano (dated April 3rd, 1955) by J.M. Hauer“; given at the annual ESTA-Conference in Feldkirch (Oct. 30th, 2018).
  • Lecture recital on „Getting started – about Beginnings“ at the series of eventsSalon Paula; Festival Feldkircher Zwischentöne (Feb. 21st, 2015).
  • Concept, organization and presentation of the 80th anniversary concert „Number-Colour-Sound“ featuring Hans Florey’s artistic ouevre in the Konzerthaus, Vienna, Schubert Hall (March 21st, 2011).
  • Lecture on „Artistic Identity – Basic features of a mindset fostering creativity, referring to experiences with violin playing and QiGong“; presented at the annual ESTA Conference in Feldkirch (Oct.15th, 2010)
  • Lecture „On the concept of top quality in playing string instruments“ as part of the “Vorarlberg Day for Strings” in Feldkirch (April 23rd, 2005).
  • Lecture „Introduction to Chilel QiGong“ at the 1st International Congress on Medicin for Musicians in Feldkirch (March 19th,2005).
  • Lecture recital and CD presentation on the compositions for violin by J.M. Hauer at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL, USA (Feb. 28th, 2001).
  • Lecture and chamber music concert „J.M. Hauer and the discovery of twelve-tone-music – an attempt of a holistic view“ as part of the event series Musik in der Pforte, Feldkirch (April 23rd,1999).
  • Lecture recital on the compositions for violin by J.M. Hauer at Silapakorn University in Nakorn-Pathom, Thailand (1994).
  • Lecture on Leopold Mozart’s Violin Treatise at the International Congress on L. Mozart in Feldkirch (1992).