After an interval of two years, caused by the Covid19 pandemic, this year the intensive workshop for violin, viola, cello and chambermusic, in combination with Alexander Technique, organized by Eva Erna Szabó will take place in the Tuscan Villa Poggio in Chiesanuova near Florence from September 11 to 17, 2022.
The teachers will be:
Ulrike-Anima Mathé (Hochschule für Musik Detmold, Germany) with Eva Erna Szabó (Scula di Musica die Fiesole, Florence, Italy) and K.R. Florey – violin; Carla Maria Rodrigues (Principal, San Francisco Opera, USA ) – Viola; Miklós Perényi (Franz Liszt Musikhochschule, Budapest, Hungary) – Cello; Angela Paynter (University Stellenbosch, South Afrika) – Alexander-Technique; Silvia da Boit (Scuola di Musica die Fiesole, Florence, Italy) – associate pianist
Villa Poggio (Impruneta) in Chiesanuova near Florence, Italy